Immunity Enhancing Programme

Immune system is a mirror of our health, and to improve it, we must engage in good nutrition, an active lifestyle, adequate detoxification, and positive mental health. Age, dietary status, gut health, physical activity, sleep, psychological stress, mental health, immunocompromising diseases and other linked morbid disorders might impair an individual’s immunity. With Ayurvedic principles, our treatment program raises awareness of the body-mind relation and the significance of gut health in immunity, mental well-being, and nutrition.


Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting immune function. The program provides dietary recommendations backed by scientific research to boost immunity.

Physical Activity:
Regular physical activity has been shown to enhance immune function by promoting circulation and reducing inflammation.

Ayurvedic detoxification methods, when supported by scientific evidence, can help remove toxins from the body, potentially benefiting the immune system.

Mental Health:
Positive mental health practices, such as stress reduction and mindfulness through Ayurvedic routines and yoga practices, have been linked to improved immune responses.

Gut Health:
Scientific research underscores the importance of gut health in overall immunity. The program emphasizes gut health optimization through Ayurvedic principles.

The program addresses the impact of aging on the immune system and offers strategies to support immune function in older individuals.

Adequate sleep is essential for a robust immune system. The program includes recommendations for improving sleep quality.

Stress Management:
Stress is known to weaken the immune system. The program incorporates stress reduction techniques that have been scientifically proven to enhance immunity.

Immune Disorders:
For individuals with immunocompromising diseases or morbid disorders, the program provides tailored approaches to support immune function.